Thursday, September 22, 2011

Faster Than The Fastest!!! (CE)

Oh My Freaking...what is this??? -jaw dropped-
An international team of scientists say they have recorded neutrino particles traveling at faster than the speed of light. The measurements still must be confirmed, but if verified, would represent a serious challenge to one of the fundamental rules of physics.
Lights have been the fastest recorded moving "things" that scientists have observed over the past century and now, they finally discovered something else that's even faster than that. Wow I really can't believe it... How can something even be able to out-speed "light"? I mean first of all, how can they even MEASURE light. It is so freaking fast that nothing in this world can compare to or even DEFINE how fast it is. But now they said they have found something that's even FASTER! That's just so amazing if you ask me, but also so ridiculous at the same time. Those things that are called "neutrino particles", really doesn't sound fast at all. "Light" just sounds fast like "Wow! Speed of light???". But this is like "oh speed of neutrino particles..."-lame-

Well anyway, this is still not a "sure" statement about whether or not it is actually proven. The people are still trying to confirm their measurement. I'm thinking it might be just a minor calculation in their work that caused such wrong assumption. But what if it really is true? This finding might be able to defeat the fastest thing on the universe, the speed of light. It is said that many things in physics were based off or related to the speed of light as the fastest. So if this new finding is true, then they will have to rewrite a lot of their knowledges about physics. Maybe when it's my year to take physics, we might able to get new books because of this.


  1. That is very interesting... I debunked this is in my response post:

  2. Hey bro, I agree with Calvin L. This is very interesting.
