Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fear of Darkness...(BC)

Your eyes are opening, slowly...and slowly... But when they are fully opened, you  don't realize whether they're opened or not... You try blinking several times to make sure your visions are okay. But the more you try to figure it out, the scarier it gets. You start to sweat. Your sweats are dripping slowly down from your forehead, to the sides of your cheeks, then down to the floor. And you suddenly hear water noise dripping from under you. You are wondering what could it be. Turns out, it is so quiet that you can hear your sweats dripping down the floor. You slowly stand up and move your arms to the side, hoping you can get a sense of what is around you. But right when you fully extend your arms, you felt the sensation of the surfaces beside you. You turn to one side then start moving your hands around it, start knocking, then you realize your sides are surrounded with hollow-less brick walls. You start to sound, "Help, Help, Help,..." Your voice went from quiet to the point that you're screaming! But slowly... You became breathlessly quiet...Telling yourself to calm down.

You're starting to lose your sense of direction. Were you facing this direction the whole time? You reach out and sense the wall, then you realize you have to reach back to your left. You can't sense anything. You start taking a step towards that direction, and then another step, eventually you started walking with your arms keep touching the sides, making sure you're at the center. You let out a hard breath to make sure you're calm with the situation. It's been a while and you starting to hear your breathing, louder and louder. You wonder how long you have been walking. The calmness you had is starting to fade away."Ignore it, I need to pick up the pace." You tell yourself that and start going even faster. And suddenly, you hear footsteps coming from behind you, it sounds faraway...But it might also be right behind you.

At this point, your heart is beating and beating so hard that you can hear it. You wanted to scream but you couldn't. Your fear has been completely dominated dominated your mind. Finally you let go of your arms that were touching the side, and start running straight, as fast as you can. The faster you run, the faster your heart beat and the louder you can hear it. As you get faster, the footsteps from behind you also get faster, and faster, to catch up with you. You try and ignore the noise but you realize you are so afraid that all your tears and sweats are dripping down...Suddenly, you tripped over your toes and fell down on your face. At this point, you are breathing so hard you can't think of anything else, but get back on your toes and start running again while ignoring the pain and what you're hearing or what not. As you turn your head up, you see a very dim-point of light from far away. You feel much relieved seeing something that might save your life and get you out of this dark place. You sprint as fast as you can straight towards the point. The closer you get, the brighter it becomes and eventually, your eyes are covered with lights...Then you hear someone's voice...Sounds like a woman's..
Get Up! You're Late For School

1 comment:

  1. Hell yes ken i love it man my favorite is the first paragraph. nice job
