Thursday, September 1, 2011

Math, Everyone's Favorite Subject...(FREE)

Really? Is math really your favorite subject? Cause it's definitely not mine for sure. (atleast for now...) Well I wonder if there's anyone really like math no matter how confusing, how complicated, how piss you off it looks. Sometimes I really like math because I think its really COOL, how all those numbers and formulas make everything work out the way they are, and especially when my homework is hella easy, I even like it more. But then when you think it's easy, the next day you learn something new and you were like WTF (what the frappuchino) is this! If you ever experience that, you would think the same way and I'm pretty sure you would hate it too.

Honestly, I used to be pretty good with math and definitely have gotten all As in my class! (so, so) But now I'm kinda feel like I'm falling behind, even if it's just the first week of school. Maybe what they called an HP class really deserves its name. All those circles, parabolas, ellipses, all that craps, just freaking annoying. The thing that pisses me off the most is that I have to spend like 3 hrs just to do like 10 problems. I guess I'll just have to focus and pay attention more in class and spend more time studying for it (too much "time"..but oh well) I hope you all have good time in Math and don't have to experience those crazy lessons that would make you hate it. You gotta like math man, its "fun", if you don't, just "think" that it's fun so you'll enjoy and last through your Junior year. Since that's really all you need to graduate. So, take it easy, hope its really gonna be "easy" for you...and me.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I used to feel the exact same way about math...until Statistics. I don't even know if it counts as a math. But it was horrible. We didn't even work with, right? Ugh, but yeah. Good luck with this school year!
