Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Chinese Too (RE)

I found this line in Gigi's blog that really made laugh.
Oh, and because I'm Chinese , I have Chinese school at 9:30 on Saturdays
Uhhh...I TOTALLY disagree with you. I mean, I am Chinese too but I don't go to freaking Chinese school??? I seriously think it's a waste of time, since from what I heard, you guys barely learn anything from there. Plus you only go there once a week for less than 3 hours then what can you learn from that? It's like "paying for your prison" kinda thing where you're going to a place you don't like, but you needa pay for it. You should ask your parents to let you quit it so you can save them some money for rice. No I'm just kidding. I'm just bsing for my two-fifty words. But I guess I can understand your parents wanting you to learn Chinese. Since it's your "native" language. I really believe that it really sucks for people to not know their national languages. I feel like I'm losing one of my languages from not using it for so long. That's why I will try and use it more so I won't forget it.

But honestly, I really did took Chinese school for about a year, back when I was still in Vietnam. I took it on week days too, during the time I didn't go to regular school. I guess you can say I kinda learned something from it. Now, I can pretty much read more than half the chinese characters out there. But the weird thing is, I can't write them... If you want to learn chinese fast. Go watch TV with chinese subtitles and do that for about a year and you will be like me. But remember, it's not because you're Chinese that you need to go to Chinese school. It's because you were FORCED TO. I mean, it's because you wanted to.

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