Monday, September 5, 2011

A Little "Something" About Myself (BC)

Hey there how's it going! I don't know exactly everyone who's reading this blog, but I figured I should tell you something about myself, since I’m the one writing it. My full name is Kien Phan. I do have a middle name but I don’t feel like telling people about it, “some” of you reading this might already know so don’t say anything. You can also call me Ken. The funny thing about my name is that because of the way it spells, I’ve been getting a lot of new names like, “Kein”, “Kienster”, or even just “Ken Phan”…But oh well I don’t really care since those names don’t sound bad all bad, as long as people can recognize me with them. I can speak 3 different languages, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and English which I was able learn like uh…5 years ago? I was born on May 4th, 1995, yes, I’m 16. Not THAT old for a sophomore. Plus, not like I can change the fact that I was late for a year of school. In fact, I came to America in 2006 and because of that, I had to take the 4th grade instead of the 5th. My parents thought it would be easier for me since I didn’t speak any English back then. I was struggling a lot in the beginning since I didn’t know anything about English. But everything was fine after about a year, I was able to get it down and have been doing fine since then.

As for my personal hobbies, personalities, and interests, there’s not really that much things to say about them. But overall, I’m a really responsible and also reliable person. You can trust me and depend on me if you like, because I won’t let you down, as long as I know who you are of course. I dislike procrastination. I don’t think it’s worth it since I’m not the kind of person that can sit there and work for 24/7. I like to chill and relax. So I rather finish my work on time and then chill later rather than chill first and like freaking die working on the last day. I also take the things I do very seriously; either I don’t do it at all, or if I do, I like give it my best shot. Even so, I’m not really a competitive kind of person. For me, I think it just takes too much energy to compete with people. I don’t really care as long as I can enjoy the things I do. Too much competition always takes away the fun. I guess I can say I’m “KINDA” athletic? I can play pretty much most of the sports out there, but I’m not really like “Very Good” at any of them. But when it comes to skating, I pretty much suck.  Things I like to do are hanging out with my friends, spend time with family, chatting, gaming, relaxing, “computering”, listening to music, and maybe other stuffs that I can’t think of right now. But one of the things most of you probably don’t know about me is that I like to play with toys. Yes yes, I’m a kid, or maybe I just act like one, who knows. “No matter how old a man you are, you’re still a boy”, so I just enjoy doing things I like, so don’t be jealous if you are. This might sound silly but I don’t really have any dreams or job for the future, I just wanna be rich. They say money can’t buy everything, I say you can’t live without money. But of course, my family, friends, and things that are important to me will always be first.

My writing goal this year…don’t really have one. But I guess I’m trying to improve the overall quality of my essay writing skill. I will also try and use more “vocabulary words” and develop an even better way of delivering my ideas in my writing. My spelling??... Maybe but not most of the time. That’s probably it, I know it’s been really boring but atleast you’re at the end now! –if you been reading-. Wait actually, my real writing goal this year is to get a passing grade on all my writing assignments. KTB- "Kay Thanks Bye".

1 comment:

  1. You seem pretty witty and a little bit modest, as well.
    You don't play an actual sport? Welp, I love competition..haha.
    But yeah, keep it up! Your posts are pretty good! And good luck this year, I hope you'll have fun in Sutherland's class. (:
