Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Water Might Not Be A Good Thing...(CE)

Another devastating natural disaster...
 Floods have left hundreds of thousands homeless in Pakistan and the situation is getting worse by the day...
Flood is probably one of the most devastating disasters in the world. In the above article/video, Pakistan basically got severely damaged. The flood destroyed 1.2 million houses and flooded 4.5 million acres since last month. Many people were left homeless and some have lost their family members during the flood. They were also been warned by the the aid groups that the continuation of the disaster would eventually lead to outbreak of diseases. Just like earthquake, flood is something we human can't control. No matter how advanced our technology is or how much we know about science, there's no way we can predict when it will happen or how severe it will be. We just need to have enough preparation beforehand to counter act with unfortunate things that might happen.

While reading this article, I was actually afraid that what if such disaster really happens to us in our community? We live so close to water and if it really occurs, I think there's a really low chance that we won't get affected. I really don't want to think about it, and I will NOT, since it won't get me anywhere but give me more problems. See that's the thing, natural disaster is something that you just need to stop thinking about. There's no point in worrying about them, since there's nothing you can do about it but instead, it will just gain you even more worries. So instead of worrying, we should just live our days and look forward for the best.

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