Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Too Much Shooting...(CE)

Shoot people then just suicide in the hospital later...
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A gunman wielding an AK-47 opened fire on a table of uniformed National Guard members at an IHOP restaurant on Tuesday in an outburst of violence that killed four people, wounded eight others and put Nevada's capital city on high alert.
 This guy were just like jumped out of the car and started shooting people... How can a person get so crazy to the point of doing such an act??? Is it because he played too much Black Ops and thought he can be number 1 if he just go out there and kill some REAL people? NO WAY! Even though it was considered that he might had mental problems, but damm...that is just too insane and inhumane. Life is not so weightless, it is something that can't be measured! Especially the lives of our people. I really wonder what that person really had in mind the second right before he decided to do such thing. Maybe because something happened to him in which it struck him so much that it brought him to doing so. Because in my own belief, I don't think anyone in this world would be that evil. Or is there...?

I really feel sorry for the people that have lost their lives in such an incident and also for their families. I'm hoping that they can all get over their pain soon. I can understand the feeling of losing someone precious to yourself, because I had experienced it before and I'm sure many of you did. I really don't have any thing else to say about this but I'm just hoping that such a tragic event would never happen to any of you and your families. -mines too of course-. Bit of advice, maybe one should stop playing so much shooting games??? I mean they are fun and addicting, but researchers said they might be bad influence for children... Well, "just children".

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