Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Walking to "Unknown Land" (RE)

Nice way to not write down your friend's name, Jason.
Over the summer a few years back me and some friends were bored so we basically decided to walk to bayfarm though grass and dirt and bridge it ended up being pretty fun also giving me some very fun memories.
Well anyway, I'm pretty sure that "some friends" was me...Unless my brain is messing with me right now from too much homework this school year. I agree that it was a really fun adventure. I mean, who would wake up at like 6 something in the morning to take a walk all the way to Bayfarm. I remmeber I was the one to ask you to do some morning exercises with me too, and you actually came along. We found a "hidden" route at shoreline that leads to the other side of the island. I don't know about you but I have never actually been to Bayfarm anytime before our "adventure". We eventually got hella tired and decided we would walk further the next day. And we kinda PR every "adventure session"? But I have to admit, it was a really fun thing to do for enjoying summer -atleast it's not maple or RF-. Some of you might know what I'm talking about, if not dont worry about it.

I really hoped that we could've did something like that this summer but turns out you had to go back to China. I got kinda lazy and just slept through...But hey, I woke up pretty early compare to other people, at around 10 in the morning wasn't really that bad. Next summer, we need to go on more "adventures" and explores new places like what we did before. We seriously should exercise more and game less for healthy's sake. Or...Maybe more on both.

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