Friday, September 2, 2011

Worst Quiz...(FREE)

You guys ever had a quiz that you absolutely thought that you failed it??? Cause I just had mine Pre-Cal. I guess the quiz really caught me by surprise since I wasn't ready for it and never even knew that there was a quiz today in the first place. Even though the teacher said there's a quiz every Friday on the syllabus, I really didn't remember it at all...The quiz was about the stuffs we learned in the past 4 days. But even though, the questions were like super hard and confusing, especially when the answers don't come out with a nice number. Another thing was that we didn't really have enough time to do it, almost the whole class stayed after the bell ring and some couldn't even finish, and just rushed and guessed through it. I was one of them.

This was probably the first quiz I ever taken that I actually had no clues for most of it. I left like 2 questions blank and also guessed on a couple. The bad thing is, the quiz only has 10 questions. So I'm hoping I will be able to get the rest of it right, so I can atleast get like a C for passing... I felt so bad afterward and kept thinking that I could've done much more better. From now on, I'm gonna focus a lot more and study so I won't do so bad anymore. Maybe it's because it's only the first week of school and I still can't refocus myself from all those summer time. Let's hope that I will never be in this situation again.

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