Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Feel Left Out...(RE)

Everyone knows about 9/11, the airplane crashing into the twin towers.
Uhhh...I would have to disagree with that. This is from Justin's blog by the way so check him out  Actually, I really DID NOT know about it until a couple years ago. I am kinda ashamed of myself? (not really). Well since it was such a great "impacting:" event, everyone should know about it, but I didnt, well now I do. The truth is, I didn't come to the US until mid 2006 so it wasn't  my fault for not knowing about it! Plus I just found out that the plane actually crashed into the "Twin Towers" today. At first I thought it was just crashed into some random buildings. The discussion we had today in class made me feel like I should know more...

Either way, after knowing about it, I really felt sorry for the people that were caught in such a tragic incident. It was really sad to even hear about such thing happened in our country. Knowing such an event happened also brought me in realizing how the world relates to our people. I came to learn that there are a lot of things going on in our country that I didn't know of. After almost 10 years, Osama was finally dead and his death signifies the temporary victory against terrorism. But even so, our threat from terrorism still hasn't ended, but in the mean time, we are sure that terrorism could be overcome. There will be one day that terrorism will just evaporates from our world and no more tragic things will happen like the 9/11. And there goes my first response post. There will be more, don't worry...

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Check out my response post.
