Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Deferred Dream. (FREE)

What happens to a dream deferred?
A dream that has been deferred is basically means that it has been put off to a later time. But what will happen to it? Will it disappear as time goes by? Or will it remains no matter what happens. This is really dependent on what the dreams are who they belong to. If a person is determined, no matter what they experience in their lives and what happens, they will keep persuing their dream, if somehow it has been put off. But for the people who don't care , they might just eventually be lost.

As of me, maybe I have a dream that has been deferred that don't even know of. Because right now, I don't really have a dream that I'm persuing for. I only want to be rich when I grew up, maybe if that's a dream? I can't do anything about it as of now because it is such an unrealistic thing. So maybe by delaying it for later, I might able accomplish it. So a deferred dream might not be lost because the people might be just waiting for a better opportunity instead of chasing the dream right the way. Sometimes, it is actually better to take your time and not rushing through the things you do. Since if you go too fast, you might lost track of what you do and fell short along the way.

So basically there are plenty of ways that can happen to a deferred dream. Either keep it, lose it or wait for it.


Two-week-old pulled alive from collapsed building along with her mother and grandmother as death toll climbs above 400.

After a very high magnitude earthquake in Turkey, the death rates went up to higher than 400 people with thousands of other injurers. They were able to pull a two-week-old baby from one of those collapsed buildings and suprisingly, he was alive. They eventually proceed to rescue the baby's mother and grandmother. This remarkable miracle might give hopes to the other people who are still burried within the rubbles. But yet, there are still other problems. The government was not fast enough to provide enough tents for the people to keep them warm. Most of them had to stay out in the freezing cold night for almost two days.

Earthquake can strike so suddenly that there's not measure of what the outcomes might be. There were two earthquakes in one day happened in our city, and a lot of people were really freaked out. There's not really much we can do about natural disasters but just be as ready as we can by keeping enough food and water for survival in case if it really happens. I don't believe in such thing as "the end of the world", there's no proves that it would actually happen but just personal point of views. People who think of such ridiculous thing are just plain pathetic. I hope the people in Turkey can find there missing family members and can be saved as soon as possible. It would be a real miracle for us if there is no more natural disaster and everyone can be safe and live without any worries.

Goals of the Year (RE)

This year I have set some goals that I would like to meet. Getting a 4.5 grade point average, riding my bike more often, and eating healthier.
This quote is from Brian about his goals for this year. What he said is basically also what I'm trying to acheive this year. Getting a good grade point average, "try" to eat healthier, make some money, and maybe the "bike more often" part. The quarter is almost ending now and I finally caught up with my grades, but some of them are on the verge of dropping so I need to do my best and keep them. About eating healthier, I've been trying that since two years ago and I did it, but never did it "correctly". It is so hard to stay away from good food because they are always better than the healthy ones.

About riding my bike more often, I guess...? Well, I was actually able to get a bike last summer and I have been riding it atleast once a week, not as often as it should be but atleast I do it. Another major goal I have this year is basically less gaming and more working. I have been doing well with that so far since I have so much freaking homeworks everyday that I barely even have time to breath...Ya I lied, I have time to breath. But yes, the homeworks just help keep me on track with not gaming and focusing on school more. But that is really not I like to do, it's just that I have to. Anyway last but not least, to Brian, I hope you can acheive all your goals. To everyone else, samething. And if you don't have any goals, go find some since they keep you awake.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Running Around Animals (CE)

 I found this news to be both very scary and sad at the same time.
Dozens of exotic animals, including tigers, lions and bears were let loose on Ohio farmland by their owner before he committed suicide, sparking a shoot-to-kill hunt in which 48 of the wild beasts, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, have been killed.
 First of all, why is this scary? Well if you suddenly found out that your neighborhood is been filled with running around carnivores and they might attack you anytime then I'm sure it's very scary. The owner of the farmland owned almost 60 of those exotic animals including lions, Bengal tigers, bears, primates, leopards, etc...And for a certain reason, he decided to suicide and set the animals free. Don't you think that's very nice of him? Well not really. By doing so, he brought harms to other people since those animals are very dangerous and they will attack humans from their fear. The person has also been charged with animal cruelty 11 times. We're still not sure why he decided to suicide and made such an act.

The sad part of this is that those animals don't deserve to die. They were just doing what their instincts tell them to. All they cared about was just to get out of that cage and run for their freedom. Imagine if we were in their position, we would have did the same thing. The people had no choice but to shoot them down because they were a threat to the safety of the people. Some of those animals are already in danger of extinction such as the Bengal tigers. This was a very unfortunate event and I really felt sorry for the animals that were killed. But there's not really much they can do since that was probably the best way for protecting the lives of the people.

To all the animals that were killed- "Rest in Peace".

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Japanese "Stuffs" (RE)

Calvin, I totally agree with you.
If I could choose an item from anywhere in the world, it'd probably be from Japan, just because of the huge variety and effectiveness of the technology there.
This is a response to Calvin's response about japanese technology. I don't know if anyone else realize this, but most of our products in US came from either China or Japan. Japanese really has a lot of geniuses and they made tons of cool stuffs. Their minds are just so creative. for an example, who did you think created those 600 something pokemons out there? The Japanese! I really wonder how they were able to picture them in their head. I remember they first started with just around150-ish and now it's like 600 something. All those animes out there are made by the Japanese. Where did you think Power Rangers came from, the Japanese too. The Americans took the footages from Japan and copied their themes.

Some of their creations are a "bit" weird, and you would be like, what the freak is this??? But then again, they made it for the convenience of their people in their needs. But what impresses me the most, is their ideas with toys. If the toys are to represent their TV shows, they make them look exactly like how they should be. If they take the ideas from others, they make them BETTER, either from giving them better paint applications or adding more play values to them. But the problem about this is, it is so freaking hard to get your hand on Japanese toys, one thing about this is that they are so expensive and with shipping fees, it could cost you a bunch. Let say you buy something here in US and Japan has almost the exact samething, their prices could be double. But still, what you get from their creations are much worth it. You probably thinking why I spend almost a paragraph talking about toys. Guess what, I play with toys too.

High School MInimum Days...(FREE)

So yesterday, we had a "minimum" day for MOST people and we all got out very early, at like 11. We also only had the block schedule classes and they are all only fourty minutes long. Other people that didn't get out early were doing the drill and got twenty hours of community service from it. I really wished I was able to do it too and get my twenty hours done for high school. Now I need to figure out a way to get those community service hours so I can graduate. Oh well, I still have two years to go. Even so, I know it will go by way faster than it should be...

But seriously, that four extra hours of time actually gave me a big break from school. Right after I got home and dropped off my stuffs, I went to Starbucks and grabbed myself a mocha that I've been wanted for so long. I was able to finish my homework way earlier than I imagined and also got my haircut. This is probably the first time I cut my hair during weekdays. I usually go on weekends, especially Sundays since my dad is off from work on that day. Yesterday basically helped me release so much stress from school, even though it was only an extra four hours. I hope we can get out early more in the days to come, even though  it's not really that good to get out early since we learn "less".

Friday, October 14, 2011

Home Coming ! (FREE)

Well today was pretty fun. The annual home coming assembly we have every year and this year wasn't half bad. Last year was funny because I was wearing a red sweater on the home coming day, and I walked in to school in the morning and see all these seniors wearing red. I actually wore the class color this year and I was pretty "orange". I really wanted those orange socks that most people have. Why is sophomore's class color has to be orange man seriously. That's like the color that I don't have for dressing up. I don't regret buying the class T-Shirt at all since it looks pretty tight. I actually realize today what the pacman on the back stands for, when my friend told me about it. The orange pacman eating the grey, green, and red monsters...HAH get it?

Anyway for the assembly, it was fun with all the classes screaming and cheering for themselves. Just like usual, seniors were the loudest, then juniors, us the sophomores, then the quiet freshmen, well they weren't THAT quiet. The juniors though, they were almost dominated the crowds. They were so "spirited" and were all in good rhythm. For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed. That was probably the loudest and longest I ever screamed in the past... years. Now my throat hurts just from thinking about it. The top and bottom rows were cool and loud, but then the middle and the right side was kinda...bleh. They should've all stand up and we would've been even better. But it's all good, I have a feeling that we all are gonna dominate next year.