Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Deferred Dream. (FREE)

What happens to a dream deferred?
A dream that has been deferred is basically means that it has been put off to a later time. But what will happen to it? Will it disappear as time goes by? Or will it remains no matter what happens. This is really dependent on what the dreams are who they belong to. If a person is determined, no matter what they experience in their lives and what happens, they will keep persuing their dream, if somehow it has been put off. But for the people who don't care , they might just eventually be lost.

As of me, maybe I have a dream that has been deferred that don't even know of. Because right now, I don't really have a dream that I'm persuing for. I only want to be rich when I grew up, maybe if that's a dream? I can't do anything about it as of now because it is such an unrealistic thing. So maybe by delaying it for later, I might able accomplish it. So a deferred dream might not be lost because the people might be just waiting for a better opportunity instead of chasing the dream right the way. Sometimes, it is actually better to take your time and not rushing through the things you do. Since if you go too fast, you might lost track of what you do and fell short along the way.

So basically there are plenty of ways that can happen to a deferred dream. Either keep it, lose it or wait for it.

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