Thursday, October 13, 2011

School Computer FTL (RE)

Not to disrespect school properties but I found this quote from my friend Jason and I TOTALLY agree with him.
To put it simply right now.. A school computer is better than mine. Pretty bad huh
Yup, it is totally bad to the "baddest". Not to be mean or anything but seriously, school computers are like SOOOOOO slow, alright I over exaggerated a bit there but still. I remember this one time we were working in the media center on this one project and we had to use the computers. Maybe it was just my bad luck, the freaking computer that I was using took like 10 minutes just to turn itself on and log in. I guess I can understand with all those computers working at the same time, the connection should be bad. Or maybe I'm just not used to their speed. Don't you guys think it will be so cool if our school has all "Macs"? Yah right...that's like saying Steve Jobs is our principal. "RIP STEVE!"

As for your situation, I experienced it countless times with my own connection at home and I have AT&T. I actually PREFER to have Comcast like what I had before. Now I disconnect every freaking time a phone comes in, and sometimes it just disconnect outta no where and pisses me off. Back when I had Comcast there was no problems with connections. I also liked the Comcast shows better, even though Direct TV has more show varieties. I remember they have the "On-Demand" channel, you can pick so many free shows on there. Anyway, I hope you don't experience such "DISASTER" again.

PS: so hard to game and watch "stuffs" when the connection's like that huh?

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