Friday, October 21, 2011

Running Around Animals (CE)

 I found this news to be both very scary and sad at the same time.
Dozens of exotic animals, including tigers, lions and bears were let loose on Ohio farmland by their owner before he committed suicide, sparking a shoot-to-kill hunt in which 48 of the wild beasts, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, have been killed.
 First of all, why is this scary? Well if you suddenly found out that your neighborhood is been filled with running around carnivores and they might attack you anytime then I'm sure it's very scary. The owner of the farmland owned almost 60 of those exotic animals including lions, Bengal tigers, bears, primates, leopards, etc...And for a certain reason, he decided to suicide and set the animals free. Don't you think that's very nice of him? Well not really. By doing so, he brought harms to other people since those animals are very dangerous and they will attack humans from their fear. The person has also been charged with animal cruelty 11 times. We're still not sure why he decided to suicide and made such an act.

The sad part of this is that those animals don't deserve to die. They were just doing what their instincts tell them to. All they cared about was just to get out of that cage and run for their freedom. Imagine if we were in their position, we would have did the same thing. The people had no choice but to shoot them down because they were a threat to the safety of the people. Some of those animals are already in danger of extinction such as the Bengal tigers. This was a very unfortunate event and I really felt sorry for the animals that were killed. But there's not really much they can do since that was probably the best way for protecting the lives of the people.

To all the animals that were killed- "Rest in Peace".


  1. Some other folks wrote about this topic too and when I learned of the story I was super bummed. It doesn't seem right that those animals had to die.

    Do you have opinions about zoos? Some people think they're great, some people think they're messed-up animal jails. (And plenty are somewhere in-between.)

  2. I think putting the animals in zoos is a good way to keep them safe as long as they are getting the cares they deserve. It's also a good way to protect them from other harms in nature too.
