Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Japanese "Stuffs" (RE)

Calvin, I totally agree with you.
If I could choose an item from anywhere in the world, it'd probably be from Japan, just because of the huge variety and effectiveness of the technology there.
This is a response to Calvin's response about japanese technology. I don't know if anyone else realize this, but most of our products in US came from either China or Japan. Japanese really has a lot of geniuses and they made tons of cool stuffs. Their minds are just so creative. for an example, who did you think created those 600 something pokemons out there? The Japanese! I really wonder how they were able to picture them in their head. I remember they first started with just around150-ish and now it's like 600 something. All those animes out there are made by the Japanese. Where did you think Power Rangers came from, the Japanese too. The Americans took the footages from Japan and copied their themes.

Some of their creations are a "bit" weird, and you would be like, what the freak is this??? But then again, they made it for the convenience of their people in their needs. But what impresses me the most, is their ideas with toys. If the toys are to represent their TV shows, they make them look exactly like how they should be. If they take the ideas from others, they make them BETTER, either from giving them better paint applications or adding more play values to them. But the problem about this is, it is so freaking hard to get your hand on Japanese toys, one thing about this is that they are so expensive and with shipping fees, it could cost you a bunch. Let say you buy something here in US and Japan has almost the exact samething, their prices could be double. But still, what you get from their creations are much worth it. You probably thinking why I spend almost a paragraph talking about toys. Guess what, I play with toys too.

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