Friday, October 14, 2011

Home Coming ! (FREE)

Well today was pretty fun. The annual home coming assembly we have every year and this year wasn't half bad. Last year was funny because I was wearing a red sweater on the home coming day, and I walked in to school in the morning and see all these seniors wearing red. I actually wore the class color this year and I was pretty "orange". I really wanted those orange socks that most people have. Why is sophomore's class color has to be orange man seriously. That's like the color that I don't have for dressing up. I don't regret buying the class T-Shirt at all since it looks pretty tight. I actually realize today what the pacman on the back stands for, when my friend told me about it. The orange pacman eating the grey, green, and red monsters...HAH get it?

Anyway for the assembly, it was fun with all the classes screaming and cheering for themselves. Just like usual, seniors were the loudest, then juniors, us the sophomores, then the quiet freshmen, well they weren't THAT quiet. The juniors though, they were almost dominated the crowds. They were so "spirited" and were all in good rhythm. For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed. That was probably the loudest and longest I ever screamed in the past... years. Now my throat hurts just from thinking about it. The top and bottom rows were cool and loud, but then the middle and the right side was kinda...bleh. They should've all stand up and we would've been even better. But it's all good, I have a feeling that we all are gonna dominate next year.


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