Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zoo with no Lions...FREE

This was so shocking...That I'm still in shock till today. This happened about a couple weeks ago when we had a three days weekend. My brother decided that he wants to go to the zoo, which I obviously did not wanna go since he wanted to go to the "OAKLAND zoo" -_-. The reason I didn't like was because I went there like 4 years ago and the same thing happened. There were no lions...Its kind of stupid you might think, but lion is probably one of my top favorite animals. When I was little, I used to think lions are like the boss of all the other animals from all those folktales you might have heard, the "King of the Jungle". Elephant was another one of my favorites. I remember there was this one picture book about elephants that I used to read when I was little. I got so angry when a baby elephant got killed by a cheetah...or something like that. It's funny now when I think about things back then. It's fun and nostalgic when thinking about what happened in the past and have a laugh about them.

And not just that too, that freaking zoo has to much extra "land" and could've filled up more animals. There were like two to three animals for each? Well, save the birds, bats, bugs, monkeys, and a couple of other ones with more than that number. But the more exotic ones are less than three...Hahaha "less than three-<3" Not really funny but it just happened to be what I was thinking. I saw like one tiger, and I think there was ONLY one. But there were a couple of elephants and giraffe which was a bit better I guess. I wanted to go to the San Francisco Zoo instead, cause I heard it's way bigger there and there are more exotic animals. But my mom said no because it was too far away and my aunt was the one driving. She wasn't really good with roads and directions since she just started driving for about a month. I really wanted to go to the San Francisco Zoo, because I heard it was way bigger and has a lot more exotic animals there. I really hope if I get a chance one day, I can go there and see some lions for myself. White tigers are even better.

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