Wednesday, October 19, 2011

High School MInimum Days...(FREE)

So yesterday, we had a "minimum" day for MOST people and we all got out very early, at like 11. We also only had the block schedule classes and they are all only fourty minutes long. Other people that didn't get out early were doing the drill and got twenty hours of community service from it. I really wished I was able to do it too and get my twenty hours done for high school. Now I need to figure out a way to get those community service hours so I can graduate. Oh well, I still have two years to go. Even so, I know it will go by way faster than it should be...

But seriously, that four extra hours of time actually gave me a big break from school. Right after I got home and dropped off my stuffs, I went to Starbucks and grabbed myself a mocha that I've been wanted for so long. I was able to finish my homework way earlier than I imagined and also got my haircut. This is probably the first time I cut my hair during weekdays. I usually go on weekends, especially Sundays since my dad is off from work on that day. Yesterday basically helped me release so much stress from school, even though it was only an extra four hours. I hope we can get out early more in the days to come, even though  it's not really that good to get out early since we learn "less".

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