Thursday, October 6, 2011

Budget Cut... (CE)

Is it because schools really cost a lot of money? Or is it because the government just wanted the money to be spent on something else. That's probably the problem of what most of the countries are facing right now, budget cut.
High school students in Madrid take to the streets to rally against regional cuts to the education budget
Seems like the Spanish government had decided to cut down the budget for school which led to high school students to protest. They decided that they don't wanna hire any more additional teachers but instead, they ask the current teachers in duty to work more. They are saying by doing so, they can save almost 80 millions euros on extra staffs. But that might be the main result, but by doing so, schools will be very low in budgets and thus lead to cutting of more things.

One of the most obvious cut would be the day of school. I find it funny when ever we have a day off from school and everyone is very happy even though it's not from holidays. It's actually not a good thing to cut school days, since it's causing us to lose a lot more learning opportunity. Well who cares right? free day yay... But in reality, it really matters. Next, there will be cutting in extracurricular activities and classes like music, art, languages, and even sports. Without money, there's nothing we can do.

I really hope the people in Madrid can persuade their government to raise their school budget. At this age, with all the needs of work and high prices, school is really something we can't loose in order for us to get the best of what makes our future.

1 comment:

  1. Check out what I wrote man
