Thursday, October 13, 2011

Iphone 4S...(CE)

So the new product of Apple after months! boo...
A dull product launch may not be what many had been expecting from the new management, which may now have to up its game a little if it's to maintain the soaring success of the Steve Jobs days.
New iPhone 4S huh, finally a new product from Apple. Sadly, after Steve Jobs passed away... Is it really necessary to keep upgrading  the same device over and over again? Why can't they just make something totally new to take its place. I really feel sorry to those who bought the original iPhone 1... Back then it was so "cool" and now it's like, bleh... It might not be that bad if there's actually something very crazy about the new device. But turns out, it just mostly has a faster processing system. It might be a bit faster, but talking about spending another hundred something dollars to get an exact same phone with a faster speed doesn't really worth it if you ask me. If they just keep making new upgrades with so little improvements then maybe 10 years later, it's possible to have like an iPhone X or even...Z? Let's hope it won't happen, cause that's just too much.

The reaction from the product launch wasn't all that great either. Maybe because Steve Jobs is no longer here that it's not as highly anticipated as it should be. I personally never had an iPhone, and I don't really want one either. Too many people have them nowadays and I don't find it to be as great as other phones. Apple has been a very great company and I really hope they can maintain the success they had over the years and keep up the legacy of Steve Jobs.

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