Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Live with Life (BC)

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest people ever lived. His intelligence contributed greatly to our society. Without him, we wouldn't be having all these cool iDevices out there that have been so popularized. From a basic iPod mp3 player to a "touch-screen-laptop"  iPad. He realized he doesn't have any longer to live, but even so he lived his life to the fullest each day, hoping to leave something important to the later generation. As for myself, I don't really think about myself as living each day thinking that I would die one day. Because by doing so, I make myself feel like I'm living while hoping for my life to end. I don't think about dying since as a person who's living, why not look forward to the life you're living right now and do what you can to make the best out of it. Instead of thinking that you would eventually die one day, try thinking about the reason for you to keep living. I agree with him saying that one should make important decisions in life. But living while remembering you will die one day and that you have nothing to lose is not true.

Anyone ever think about how long life is? As of now and if I'm luckily enough, I have lived 1/6 of my life. Life is short, but it might seems like a very long time. Some people can live up to 90 years or more. But is such an amount of time enough for you to do what you wanted to do? There are so much big choices in one's life that if we ever miss them, we might not encounter them again and it might change our lives forever. So I think that by living and values every moments of our lives, we get to take use of all those choices, or atleast as many as we possibly can. Some of them might turns out to save your life, but others might harm you. But that's just the process of living one's life. Since you don't know how long you might live, why not follow your heart and do what you think is important.

I disagree with his statement, "Remembering that you are going to die...avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose",because that'sjust his opinion and its not fully true. Yes, you might not have anything to lose after you die, since everything that was with you would eventually fade away after your death. But what about others that care about you? It wouldn't be just as simple for them as you think, since you're such a important one in their lives. Think about your family, your friends, the things and memories that are precious to you, where would they go after you died?You might not have anything to lose but you're losing what's precious to others, yourself.

So after all it is up to you about how you want to live your life. It is something you have to decide since it is probably the most precious thing you can have. With out it you probably won't be here reading this. So here is one advice, stop wasting your time to read this and go live.

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