Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Goals of the Year (RE)

This year I have set some goals that I would like to meet. Getting a 4.5 grade point average, riding my bike more often, and eating healthier.
This quote is from Brian about his goals for this year. What he said is basically also what I'm trying to acheive this year. Getting a good grade point average, "try" to eat healthier, make some money, and maybe the "bike more often" part. The quarter is almost ending now and I finally caught up with my grades, but some of them are on the verge of dropping so I need to do my best and keep them. About eating healthier, I've been trying that since two years ago and I did it, but never did it "correctly". It is so hard to stay away from good food because they are always better than the healthy ones.

About riding my bike more often, I guess...? Well, I was actually able to get a bike last summer and I have been riding it atleast once a week, not as often as it should be but atleast I do it. Another major goal I have this year is basically less gaming and more working. I have been doing well with that so far since I have so much freaking homeworks everyday that I barely even have time to breath...Ya I lied, I have time to breath. But yes, the homeworks just help keep me on track with not gaming and focusing on school more. But that is really not I like to do, it's just that I have to. Anyway last but not least, to Brian, I hope you can acheive all your goals. To everyone else, samething. And if you don't have any goals, go find some since they keep you awake.

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