Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Deferred Dream. (FREE)

What happens to a dream deferred?
A dream that has been deferred is basically means that it has been put off to a later time. But what will happen to it? Will it disappear as time goes by? Or will it remains no matter what happens. This is really dependent on what the dreams are who they belong to. If a person is determined, no matter what they experience in their lives and what happens, they will keep persuing their dream, if somehow it has been put off. But for the people who don't care , they might just eventually be lost.

As of me, maybe I have a dream that has been deferred that don't even know of. Because right now, I don't really have a dream that I'm persuing for. I only want to be rich when I grew up, maybe if that's a dream? I can't do anything about it as of now because it is such an unrealistic thing. So maybe by delaying it for later, I might able accomplish it. So a deferred dream might not be lost because the people might be just waiting for a better opportunity instead of chasing the dream right the way. Sometimes, it is actually better to take your time and not rushing through the things you do. Since if you go too fast, you might lost track of what you do and fell short along the way.

So basically there are plenty of ways that can happen to a deferred dream. Either keep it, lose it or wait for it.


Two-week-old pulled alive from collapsed building along with her mother and grandmother as death toll climbs above 400.

After a very high magnitude earthquake in Turkey, the death rates went up to higher than 400 people with thousands of other injurers. They were able to pull a two-week-old baby from one of those collapsed buildings and suprisingly, he was alive. They eventually proceed to rescue the baby's mother and grandmother. This remarkable miracle might give hopes to the other people who are still burried within the rubbles. But yet, there are still other problems. The government was not fast enough to provide enough tents for the people to keep them warm. Most of them had to stay out in the freezing cold night for almost two days.

Earthquake can strike so suddenly that there's not measure of what the outcomes might be. There were two earthquakes in one day happened in our city, and a lot of people were really freaked out. There's not really much we can do about natural disasters but just be as ready as we can by keeping enough food and water for survival in case if it really happens. I don't believe in such thing as "the end of the world", there's no proves that it would actually happen but just personal point of views. People who think of such ridiculous thing are just plain pathetic. I hope the people in Turkey can find there missing family members and can be saved as soon as possible. It would be a real miracle for us if there is no more natural disaster and everyone can be safe and live without any worries.

Goals of the Year (RE)

This year I have set some goals that I would like to meet. Getting a 4.5 grade point average, riding my bike more often, and eating healthier.
This quote is from Brian about his goals for this year. What he said is basically also what I'm trying to acheive this year. Getting a good grade point average, "try" to eat healthier, make some money, and maybe the "bike more often" part. The quarter is almost ending now and I finally caught up with my grades, but some of them are on the verge of dropping so I need to do my best and keep them. About eating healthier, I've been trying that since two years ago and I did it, but never did it "correctly". It is so hard to stay away from good food because they are always better than the healthy ones.

About riding my bike more often, I guess...? Well, I was actually able to get a bike last summer and I have been riding it atleast once a week, not as often as it should be but atleast I do it. Another major goal I have this year is basically less gaming and more working. I have been doing well with that so far since I have so much freaking homeworks everyday that I barely even have time to breath...Ya I lied, I have time to breath. But yes, the homeworks just help keep me on track with not gaming and focusing on school more. But that is really not I like to do, it's just that I have to. Anyway last but not least, to Brian, I hope you can acheive all your goals. To everyone else, samething. And if you don't have any goals, go find some since they keep you awake.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Running Around Animals (CE)

 I found this news to be both very scary and sad at the same time.
Dozens of exotic animals, including tigers, lions and bears were let loose on Ohio farmland by their owner before he committed suicide, sparking a shoot-to-kill hunt in which 48 of the wild beasts, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, have been killed.
 First of all, why is this scary? Well if you suddenly found out that your neighborhood is been filled with running around carnivores and they might attack you anytime then I'm sure it's very scary. The owner of the farmland owned almost 60 of those exotic animals including lions, Bengal tigers, bears, primates, leopards, etc...And for a certain reason, he decided to suicide and set the animals free. Don't you think that's very nice of him? Well not really. By doing so, he brought harms to other people since those animals are very dangerous and they will attack humans from their fear. The person has also been charged with animal cruelty 11 times. We're still not sure why he decided to suicide and made such an act.

The sad part of this is that those animals don't deserve to die. They were just doing what their instincts tell them to. All they cared about was just to get out of that cage and run for their freedom. Imagine if we were in their position, we would have did the same thing. The people had no choice but to shoot them down because they were a threat to the safety of the people. Some of those animals are already in danger of extinction such as the Bengal tigers. This was a very unfortunate event and I really felt sorry for the animals that were killed. But there's not really much they can do since that was probably the best way for protecting the lives of the people.

To all the animals that were killed- "Rest in Peace".

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Japanese "Stuffs" (RE)

Calvin, I totally agree with you.
If I could choose an item from anywhere in the world, it'd probably be from Japan, just because of the huge variety and effectiveness of the technology there.
This is a response to Calvin's response about japanese technology. I don't know if anyone else realize this, but most of our products in US came from either China or Japan. Japanese really has a lot of geniuses and they made tons of cool stuffs. Their minds are just so creative. for an example, who did you think created those 600 something pokemons out there? The Japanese! I really wonder how they were able to picture them in their head. I remember they first started with just around150-ish and now it's like 600 something. All those animes out there are made by the Japanese. Where did you think Power Rangers came from, the Japanese too. The Americans took the footages from Japan and copied their themes.

Some of their creations are a "bit" weird, and you would be like, what the freak is this??? But then again, they made it for the convenience of their people in their needs. But what impresses me the most, is their ideas with toys. If the toys are to represent their TV shows, they make them look exactly like how they should be. If they take the ideas from others, they make them BETTER, either from giving them better paint applications or adding more play values to them. But the problem about this is, it is so freaking hard to get your hand on Japanese toys, one thing about this is that they are so expensive and with shipping fees, it could cost you a bunch. Let say you buy something here in US and Japan has almost the exact samething, their prices could be double. But still, what you get from their creations are much worth it. You probably thinking why I spend almost a paragraph talking about toys. Guess what, I play with toys too.

High School MInimum Days...(FREE)

So yesterday, we had a "minimum" day for MOST people and we all got out very early, at like 11. We also only had the block schedule classes and they are all only fourty minutes long. Other people that didn't get out early were doing the drill and got twenty hours of community service from it. I really wished I was able to do it too and get my twenty hours done for high school. Now I need to figure out a way to get those community service hours so I can graduate. Oh well, I still have two years to go. Even so, I know it will go by way faster than it should be...

But seriously, that four extra hours of time actually gave me a big break from school. Right after I got home and dropped off my stuffs, I went to Starbucks and grabbed myself a mocha that I've been wanted for so long. I was able to finish my homework way earlier than I imagined and also got my haircut. This is probably the first time I cut my hair during weekdays. I usually go on weekends, especially Sundays since my dad is off from work on that day. Yesterday basically helped me release so much stress from school, even though it was only an extra four hours. I hope we can get out early more in the days to come, even though  it's not really that good to get out early since we learn "less".

Friday, October 14, 2011

Home Coming ! (FREE)

Well today was pretty fun. The annual home coming assembly we have every year and this year wasn't half bad. Last year was funny because I was wearing a red sweater on the home coming day, and I walked in to school in the morning and see all these seniors wearing red. I actually wore the class color this year and I was pretty "orange". I really wanted those orange socks that most people have. Why is sophomore's class color has to be orange man seriously. That's like the color that I don't have for dressing up. I don't regret buying the class T-Shirt at all since it looks pretty tight. I actually realize today what the pacman on the back stands for, when my friend told me about it. The orange pacman eating the grey, green, and red monsters...HAH get it?

Anyway for the assembly, it was fun with all the classes screaming and cheering for themselves. Just like usual, seniors were the loudest, then juniors, us the sophomores, then the quiet freshmen, well they weren't THAT quiet. The juniors though, they were almost dominated the crowds. They were so "spirited" and were all in good rhythm. For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed. That was probably the loudest and longest I ever screamed in the past... years. Now my throat hurts just from thinking about it. The top and bottom rows were cool and loud, but then the middle and the right side was kinda...bleh. They should've all stand up and we would've been even better. But it's all good, I have a feeling that we all are gonna dominate next year.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Iphone 4S...(CE)

So the new product of Apple after months! boo...
A dull product launch may not be what many had been expecting from the new management, which may now have to up its game a little if it's to maintain the soaring success of the Steve Jobs days.
New iPhone 4S huh, finally a new product from Apple. Sadly, after Steve Jobs passed away... Is it really necessary to keep upgrading  the same device over and over again? Why can't they just make something totally new to take its place. I really feel sorry to those who bought the original iPhone 1... Back then it was so "cool" and now it's like, bleh... It might not be that bad if there's actually something very crazy about the new device. But turns out, it just mostly has a faster processing system. It might be a bit faster, but talking about spending another hundred something dollars to get an exact same phone with a faster speed doesn't really worth it if you ask me. If they just keep making new upgrades with so little improvements then maybe 10 years later, it's possible to have like an iPhone X or even...Z? Let's hope it won't happen, cause that's just too much.

The reaction from the product launch wasn't all that great either. Maybe because Steve Jobs is no longer here that it's not as highly anticipated as it should be. I personally never had an iPhone, and I don't really want one either. Too many people have them nowadays and I don't find it to be as great as other phones. Apple has been a very great company and I really hope they can maintain the success they had over the years and keep up the legacy of Steve Jobs.

School Computer FTL (RE)

Not to disrespect school properties but I found this quote from my friend Jason and I TOTALLY agree with him.
To put it simply right now.. A school computer is better than mine. Pretty bad huh
Yup, it is totally bad to the "baddest". Not to be mean or anything but seriously, school computers are like SOOOOOO slow, alright I over exaggerated a bit there but still. I remember this one time we were working in the media center on this one project and we had to use the computers. Maybe it was just my bad luck, the freaking computer that I was using took like 10 minutes just to turn itself on and log in. I guess I can understand with all those computers working at the same time, the connection should be bad. Or maybe I'm just not used to their speed. Don't you guys think it will be so cool if our school has all "Macs"? Yah right...that's like saying Steve Jobs is our principal. "RIP STEVE!"

As for your situation, I experienced it countless times with my own connection at home and I have AT&T. I actually PREFER to have Comcast like what I had before. Now I disconnect every freaking time a phone comes in, and sometimes it just disconnect outta no where and pisses me off. Back when I had Comcast there was no problems with connections. I also liked the Comcast shows better, even though Direct TV has more show varieties. I remember they have the "On-Demand" channel, you can pick so many free shows on there. Anyway, I hope you don't experience such "DISASTER" again.

PS: so hard to game and watch "stuffs" when the connection's like that huh?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Live with Life (BC)

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest people ever lived. His intelligence contributed greatly to our society. Without him, we wouldn't be having all these cool iDevices out there that have been so popularized. From a basic iPod mp3 player to a "touch-screen-laptop"  iPad. He realized he doesn't have any longer to live, but even so he lived his life to the fullest each day, hoping to leave something important to the later generation. As for myself, I don't really think about myself as living each day thinking that I would die one day. Because by doing so, I make myself feel like I'm living while hoping for my life to end. I don't think about dying since as a person who's living, why not look forward to the life you're living right now and do what you can to make the best out of it. Instead of thinking that you would eventually die one day, try thinking about the reason for you to keep living. I agree with him saying that one should make important decisions in life. But living while remembering you will die one day and that you have nothing to lose is not true.

Anyone ever think about how long life is? As of now and if I'm luckily enough, I have lived 1/6 of my life. Life is short, but it might seems like a very long time. Some people can live up to 90 years or more. But is such an amount of time enough for you to do what you wanted to do? There are so much big choices in one's life that if we ever miss them, we might not encounter them again and it might change our lives forever. So I think that by living and values every moments of our lives, we get to take use of all those choices, or atleast as many as we possibly can. Some of them might turns out to save your life, but others might harm you. But that's just the process of living one's life. Since you don't know how long you might live, why not follow your heart and do what you think is important.

I disagree with his statement, "Remembering that you are going to die...avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose",because that'sjust his opinion and its not fully true. Yes, you might not have anything to lose after you die, since everything that was with you would eventually fade away after your death. But what about others that care about you? It wouldn't be just as simple for them as you think, since you're such a important one in their lives. Think about your family, your friends, the things and memories that are precious to you, where would they go after you died?You might not have anything to lose but you're losing what's precious to others, yourself.

So after all it is up to you about how you want to live your life. It is something you have to decide since it is probably the most precious thing you can have. With out it you probably won't be here reading this. So here is one advice, stop wasting your time to read this and go live.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Budget Cut... (CE)

Is it because schools really cost a lot of money? Or is it because the government just wanted the money to be spent on something else. That's probably the problem of what most of the countries are facing right now, budget cut.
High school students in Madrid take to the streets to rally against regional cuts to the education budget
Seems like the Spanish government had decided to cut down the budget for school which led to high school students to protest. They decided that they don't wanna hire any more additional teachers but instead, they ask the current teachers in duty to work more. They are saying by doing so, they can save almost 80 millions euros on extra staffs. But that might be the main result, but by doing so, schools will be very low in budgets and thus lead to cutting of more things.

One of the most obvious cut would be the day of school. I find it funny when ever we have a day off from school and everyone is very happy even though it's not from holidays. It's actually not a good thing to cut school days, since it's causing us to lose a lot more learning opportunity. Well who cares right? free day yay... But in reality, it really matters. Next, there will be cutting in extracurricular activities and classes like music, art, languages, and even sports. Without money, there's nothing we can do.

I really hope the people in Madrid can persuade their government to raise their school budget. At this age, with all the needs of work and high prices, school is really something we can't loose in order for us to get the best of what makes our future.

Anyone Else Afraid of the Dark??? (RE)

So i saw this quote on my "homie" Christian's blog, which really makes me feel related.
"RANDOM FACT: I'm affraid of the dark... Still."
So let me ask, "Anyone of you still afraid of the dark??" Most of you would probably say something like, "Hell naw wtf? I ain't no kid!" But seriously though, You might be lying to yourself. If you're just thinking about sleeping in your room with no light and it's dark then you might be right. But what if you're NOT at home? Imagine you walking around the street at 1 a.m in the morning by yourself alone. Deep inside, do you really feel that you're not scared? Not even a tini tiny bit? Well if you really think you're still not scared then... good for you. I wish I was just like you...No, I lied.

Well anyway, the reason why this is related to me is because, that quote probably stated a random fact about myself as well. To tell you the truth, I was never "brave" enough to sleep by myself until around 8th grade... YAH! I'm such a kid ain't I? Even till now, that I sleep in my own room, I still need to leave 1 of those small light thingy that's hella dim on while I'm sleeping. I remember back then when I was tryna sleep by myself, my heart started to beat hella fast and I started sweating all of a sudden and it makes can't sleep... I came to realize that I was probably thinking too much back then. But now everything is okay. Christian, I hope you weren't like me back then and for sure, everyone's afraid of the dark, they just don't admit it. Or do they...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zoo with no Lions...FREE

This was so shocking...That I'm still in shock till today. This happened about a couple weeks ago when we had a three days weekend. My brother decided that he wants to go to the zoo, which I obviously did not wanna go since he wanted to go to the "OAKLAND zoo" -_-. The reason I didn't like was because I went there like 4 years ago and the same thing happened. There were no lions...Its kind of stupid you might think, but lion is probably one of my top favorite animals. When I was little, I used to think lions are like the boss of all the other animals from all those folktales you might have heard, the "King of the Jungle". Elephant was another one of my favorites. I remember there was this one picture book about elephants that I used to read when I was little. I got so angry when a baby elephant got killed by a cheetah...or something like that. It's funny now when I think about things back then. It's fun and nostalgic when thinking about what happened in the past and have a laugh about them.

And not just that too, that freaking zoo has to much extra "land" and could've filled up more animals. There were like two to three animals for each? Well, save the birds, bats, bugs, monkeys, and a couple of other ones with more than that number. But the more exotic ones are less than three...Hahaha "less than three-<3" Not really funny but it just happened to be what I was thinking. I saw like one tiger, and I think there was ONLY one. But there were a couple of elephants and giraffe which was a bit better I guess. I wanted to go to the San Francisco Zoo instead, cause I heard it's way bigger there and there are more exotic animals. But my mom said no because it was too far away and my aunt was the one driving. She wasn't really good with roads and directions since she just started driving for about a month. I really wanted to go to the San Francisco Zoo, because I heard it was way bigger and has a lot more exotic animals there. I really hope if I get a chance one day, I can go there and see some lions for myself. White tigers are even better.

Friday, September 30, 2011

What Do "HumanINities" TELL TheIr GENeraTion ? ESSAY

What does it really mean to be human? Does it just mean being a living thing like many others? Even though human beings are classified as "mammals", we ourselves think we are very different from those "mammals". Since the beginning of time, man were made to be perfect and to not have a fixed path, and he get to choose what ever he wished to be to create his destination. Or so like what the Italian Renaissance humanists would say. But what makes them think that? There's something going on in our brain that forces us to explore and think. And by doing so, we gained ourselves many opportunities to learn, and learning will eventually leads to inventions and the birth of new knowledge.This comes to what I think the definition of humanity would be, "intelligence". Intelligence is what made humans special from others. It is the source that makes them think and develop more and more interesting topics about all kinds of stuffs. I mean, why would you identify yourself as perfect. You don't see any monkeys out there saying I'm perfect because I can jump, climb, and eat...bananas? It is a person's intellect that keep his thinking process going and evolve beyond others.

Humans' intelligence went way back to the time of cavemen, when humans were first evolved to their "human form". They learned how to make fire for warmth and survival. They developed basic weapons and tools to hunt and protect themselves. Then there comes a time when they felt they needed something to wear. They thought of a way to create clothing from animals' skins and keep them warm. Their intelligence eventually helped them survived through the terrible Ice Age, a freezing cold period of time that caused extinctions to many other animals. And from then on, humans migrated to different parts of the world and each started their individual developments there.

Then there comes a time when people needed something to keep their lives going, or a goal to live. With intelligence, they invented something called "religion" that eventually became a very important aspect of life. It is a system of belief, and it's what creates an ideal for humans to live. They even created "God" or "Gods" depends on whether you're monotheism or polytheism. Many of you might think that I'm disrespecting your religion so don't take this offensively. But in reality, if not because of human, there would not be any religions out there and so would there be God. Many religions today around us are mostly among Buddhism, Christianity, Catholic, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah's Witness, etc...With something to live forward to for their lives, humans wanted to have things to live "with" their lives.

There are just too much jobs and bothers out there, we think. So we tried to make things that can help us out and make our lives easier. Humans then started abusing their intelligence and invented tons of crazy things overtime. We decided to not live in caves anymore and made houses instead. Then we invented printing presses to duplicates our works. The Chinese invented papers to write on, even though the Egyptians think they did. No I'm just kidding, it depends on what source of papers you're thinking. . Renaissance people invented modern clocks  and telescopes so they can watch stars when they're bored. People even invented things to help them with transportation. They were able to tame horses to ride and boats to go over water. They eventually created cars that runs on gas. You basically just need to sit inside and "step" on it and it will run, and it goes pretty fast too. They then wanted to be like birds and invented airplanes to travel across continents. Mastered both land and sky, then why not sea? They made ships to travel on water and submarines to travel under water. No more places to travel? Don't worry, they even made space shuttles to leave Earth and go space traveling. What I'm using to type this right now is also another cause of intelligence. The invention of computers made online searching possible. People can access a lot of learnings and knowledge through the web. Although it might considered to be a very bad influence for little kids, it's still a magnificent invention. I have listed so many good things that came from humans' intelligence. I'm sure there are many more others, but what if we humans DO NOT possess intelligence?

This might sound very vague, but if we humans really don't possess intelligence, would we just be like a more "humanoid" version of apes? Well that is if we would even SURVIVED till this point. There are countable  events in the past that might have exterminated our kind such as the Ice Age, and we wouldn't have survived if not because of our intelligence. We couldn't have protected ourselves when comparing our physical capabilities with other beasts. There would be no houses, no school, no technology, no language, and I won't even be here writing this essay. Imagine what it would be like if everything you're seeing right now disappear before your eyes. That's probably what it would be like if we humans don't possess intelligence. We wouldn't be able to differentiate between what's right or wrong and we would live like other wild animals. I know that sounds very unbelievable, but it's something that would surely occur if we don't have the fundamental mind and intellects like we are now.

Intelligence is what made humans, human. It is what sets us apart from other creatures. Everything we have created to this day and beyond is the result of our intelligence. Without it, we are probably still in a cave and eat nuts right now. Worst of all, who would know if we would even survive to this day? Humans are weak -physically- when comparing to many other animals in the world of survival. But we have something that others don't have, our incomparable intellect. It is what granted us the power to populate the Earth and became the leading specie of all kinds.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Faster Than The Fastest!!! (CE)

Oh My Freaking...what is this??? -jaw dropped-
An international team of scientists say they have recorded neutrino particles traveling at faster than the speed of light. The measurements still must be confirmed, but if verified, would represent a serious challenge to one of the fundamental rules of physics.
Lights have been the fastest recorded moving "things" that scientists have observed over the past century and now, they finally discovered something else that's even faster than that. Wow I really can't believe it... How can something even be able to out-speed "light"? I mean first of all, how can they even MEASURE light. It is so freaking fast that nothing in this world can compare to or even DEFINE how fast it is. But now they said they have found something that's even FASTER! That's just so amazing if you ask me, but also so ridiculous at the same time. Those things that are called "neutrino particles", really doesn't sound fast at all. "Light" just sounds fast like "Wow! Speed of light???". But this is like "oh speed of neutrino particles..."-lame-

Well anyway, this is still not a "sure" statement about whether or not it is actually proven. The people are still trying to confirm their measurement. I'm thinking it might be just a minor calculation in their work that caused such wrong assumption. But what if it really is true? This finding might be able to defeat the fastest thing on the universe, the speed of light. It is said that many things in physics were based off or related to the speed of light as the fastest. So if this new finding is true, then they will have to rewrite a lot of their knowledges about physics. Maybe when it's my year to take physics, we might able to get new books because of this.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Chinese Too (RE)

I found this line in Gigi's blog that really made laugh.
Oh, and because I'm Chinese , I have Chinese school at 9:30 on Saturdays
Uhhh...I TOTALLY disagree with you. I mean, I am Chinese too but I don't go to freaking Chinese school??? I seriously think it's a waste of time, since from what I heard, you guys barely learn anything from there. Plus you only go there once a week for less than 3 hours then what can you learn from that? It's like "paying for your prison" kinda thing where you're going to a place you don't like, but you needa pay for it. You should ask your parents to let you quit it so you can save them some money for rice. No I'm just kidding. I'm just bsing for my two-fifty words. But I guess I can understand your parents wanting you to learn Chinese. Since it's your "native" language. I really believe that it really sucks for people to not know their national languages. I feel like I'm losing one of my languages from not using it for so long. That's why I will try and use it more so I won't forget it.

But honestly, I really did took Chinese school for about a year, back when I was still in Vietnam. I took it on week days too, during the time I didn't go to regular school. I guess you can say I kinda learned something from it. Now, I can pretty much read more than half the chinese characters out there. But the weird thing is, I can't write them... If you want to learn chinese fast. Go watch TV with chinese subtitles and do that for about a year and you will be like me. But remember, it's not because you're Chinese that you need to go to Chinese school. It's because you were FORCED TO. I mean, it's because you wanted to.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fear of Darkness...(BC)

Your eyes are opening, slowly...and slowly... But when they are fully opened, you  don't realize whether they're opened or not... You try blinking several times to make sure your visions are okay. But the more you try to figure it out, the scarier it gets. You start to sweat. Your sweats are dripping slowly down from your forehead, to the sides of your cheeks, then down to the floor. And you suddenly hear water noise dripping from under you. You are wondering what could it be. Turns out, it is so quiet that you can hear your sweats dripping down the floor. You slowly stand up and move your arms to the side, hoping you can get a sense of what is around you. But right when you fully extend your arms, you felt the sensation of the surfaces beside you. You turn to one side then start moving your hands around it, start knocking, then you realize your sides are surrounded with hollow-less brick walls. You start to sound, "Help, Help, Help,..." Your voice went from quiet to the point that you're screaming! But slowly... You became breathlessly quiet...Telling yourself to calm down.

You're starting to lose your sense of direction. Were you facing this direction the whole time? You reach out and sense the wall, then you realize you have to reach back to your left. You can't sense anything. You start taking a step towards that direction, and then another step, eventually you started walking with your arms keep touching the sides, making sure you're at the center. You let out a hard breath to make sure you're calm with the situation. It's been a while and you starting to hear your breathing, louder and louder. You wonder how long you have been walking. The calmness you had is starting to fade away."Ignore it, I need to pick up the pace." You tell yourself that and start going even faster. And suddenly, you hear footsteps coming from behind you, it sounds faraway...But it might also be right behind you.

At this point, your heart is beating and beating so hard that you can hear it. You wanted to scream but you couldn't. Your fear has been completely dominated dominated your mind. Finally you let go of your arms that were touching the side, and start running straight, as fast as you can. The faster you run, the faster your heart beat and the louder you can hear it. As you get faster, the footsteps from behind you also get faster, and faster, to catch up with you. You try and ignore the noise but you realize you are so afraid that all your tears and sweats are dripping down...Suddenly, you tripped over your toes and fell down on your face. At this point, you are breathing so hard you can't think of anything else, but get back on your toes and start running again while ignoring the pain and what you're hearing or what not. As you turn your head up, you see a very dim-point of light from far away. You feel much relieved seeing something that might save your life and get you out of this dark place. You sprint as fast as you can straight towards the point. The closer you get, the brighter it becomes and eventually, your eyes are covered with lights...Then you hear someone's voice...Sounds like a woman's..
Get Up! You're Late For School

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Water Might Not Be A Good Thing...(CE)

Another devastating natural disaster...
 Floods have left hundreds of thousands homeless in Pakistan and the situation is getting worse by the day...
Flood is probably one of the most devastating disasters in the world. In the above article/video, Pakistan basically got severely damaged. The flood destroyed 1.2 million houses and flooded 4.5 million acres since last month. Many people were left homeless and some have lost their family members during the flood. They were also been warned by the the aid groups that the continuation of the disaster would eventually lead to outbreak of diseases. Just like earthquake, flood is something we human can't control. No matter how advanced our technology is or how much we know about science, there's no way we can predict when it will happen or how severe it will be. We just need to have enough preparation beforehand to counter act with unfortunate things that might happen.

While reading this article, I was actually afraid that what if such disaster really happens to us in our community? We live so close to water and if it really occurs, I think there's a really low chance that we won't get affected. I really don't want to think about it, and I will NOT, since it won't get me anywhere but give me more problems. See that's the thing, natural disaster is something that you just need to stop thinking about. There's no point in worrying about them, since there's nothing you can do about it but instead, it will just gain you even more worries. So instead of worrying, we should just live our days and look forward for the best.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Walking to "Unknown Land" (RE)

Nice way to not write down your friend's name, Jason.
Over the summer a few years back me and some friends were bored so we basically decided to walk to bayfarm though grass and dirt and bridge it ended up being pretty fun also giving me some very fun memories.
Well anyway, I'm pretty sure that "some friends" was me...Unless my brain is messing with me right now from too much homework this school year. I agree that it was a really fun adventure. I mean, who would wake up at like 6 something in the morning to take a walk all the way to Bayfarm. I remmeber I was the one to ask you to do some morning exercises with me too, and you actually came along. We found a "hidden" route at shoreline that leads to the other side of the island. I don't know about you but I have never actually been to Bayfarm anytime before our "adventure". We eventually got hella tired and decided we would walk further the next day. And we kinda PR every "adventure session"? But I have to admit, it was a really fun thing to do for enjoying summer -atleast it's not maple or RF-. Some of you might know what I'm talking about, if not dont worry about it.

I really hoped that we could've did something like that this summer but turns out you had to go back to China. I got kinda lazy and just slept through...But hey, I woke up pretty early compare to other people, at around 10 in the morning wasn't really that bad. Next summer, we need to go on more "adventures" and explores new places like what we did before. We seriously should exercise more and game less for healthy's sake. Or...Maybe more on both.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Feel Left Out...(RE)

Everyone knows about 9/11, the airplane crashing into the twin towers.
Uhhh...I would have to disagree with that. This is from Justin's blog by the way so check him out  Actually, I really DID NOT know about it until a couple years ago. I am kinda ashamed of myself? (not really). Well since it was such a great "impacting:" event, everyone should know about it, but I didnt, well now I do. The truth is, I didn't come to the US until mid 2006 so it wasn't  my fault for not knowing about it! Plus I just found out that the plane actually crashed into the "Twin Towers" today. At first I thought it was just crashed into some random buildings. The discussion we had today in class made me feel like I should know more...

Either way, after knowing about it, I really felt sorry for the people that were caught in such a tragic incident. It was really sad to even hear about such thing happened in our country. Knowing such an event happened also brought me in realizing how the world relates to our people. I came to learn that there are a lot of things going on in our country that I didn't know of. After almost 10 years, Osama was finally dead and his death signifies the temporary victory against terrorism. But even so, our threat from terrorism still hasn't ended, but in the mean time, we are sure that terrorism could be overcome. There will be one day that terrorism will just evaporates from our world and no more tragic things will happen like the 9/11. And there goes my first response post. There will be more, don't worry...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Too Much Shooting...(CE)

Shoot people then just suicide in the hospital later...
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A gunman wielding an AK-47 opened fire on a table of uniformed National Guard members at an IHOP restaurant on Tuesday in an outburst of violence that killed four people, wounded eight others and put Nevada's capital city on high alert.
 This guy were just like jumped out of the car and started shooting people... How can a person get so crazy to the point of doing such an act??? Is it because he played too much Black Ops and thought he can be number 1 if he just go out there and kill some REAL people? NO WAY! Even though it was considered that he might had mental problems, but damm...that is just too insane and inhumane. Life is not so weightless, it is something that can't be measured! Especially the lives of our people. I really wonder what that person really had in mind the second right before he decided to do such thing. Maybe because something happened to him in which it struck him so much that it brought him to doing so. Because in my own belief, I don't think anyone in this world would be that evil. Or is there...?

I really feel sorry for the people that have lost their lives in such an incident and also for their families. I'm hoping that they can all get over their pain soon. I can understand the feeling of losing someone precious to yourself, because I had experienced it before and I'm sure many of you did. I really don't have any thing else to say about this but I'm just hoping that such a tragic event would never happen to any of you and your families. -mines too of course-. Bit of advice, maybe one should stop playing so much shooting games??? I mean they are fun and addicting, but researchers said they might be bad influence for children... Well, "just children".

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Little "Something" About Myself (BC)

Hey there how's it going! I don't know exactly everyone who's reading this blog, but I figured I should tell you something about myself, since I’m the one writing it. My full name is Kien Phan. I do have a middle name but I don’t feel like telling people about it, “some” of you reading this might already know so don’t say anything. You can also call me Ken. The funny thing about my name is that because of the way it spells, I’ve been getting a lot of new names like, “Kein”, “Kienster”, or even just “Ken Phan”…But oh well I don’t really care since those names don’t sound bad all bad, as long as people can recognize me with them. I can speak 3 different languages, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and English which I was able learn like uh…5 years ago? I was born on May 4th, 1995, yes, I’m 16. Not THAT old for a sophomore. Plus, not like I can change the fact that I was late for a year of school. In fact, I came to America in 2006 and because of that, I had to take the 4th grade instead of the 5th. My parents thought it would be easier for me since I didn’t speak any English back then. I was struggling a lot in the beginning since I didn’t know anything about English. But everything was fine after about a year, I was able to get it down and have been doing fine since then.

As for my personal hobbies, personalities, and interests, there’s not really that much things to say about them. But overall, I’m a really responsible and also reliable person. You can trust me and depend on me if you like, because I won’t let you down, as long as I know who you are of course. I dislike procrastination. I don’t think it’s worth it since I’m not the kind of person that can sit there and work for 24/7. I like to chill and relax. So I rather finish my work on time and then chill later rather than chill first and like freaking die working on the last day. I also take the things I do very seriously; either I don’t do it at all, or if I do, I like give it my best shot. Even so, I’m not really a competitive kind of person. For me, I think it just takes too much energy to compete with people. I don’t really care as long as I can enjoy the things I do. Too much competition always takes away the fun. I guess I can say I’m “KINDA” athletic? I can play pretty much most of the sports out there, but I’m not really like “Very Good” at any of them. But when it comes to skating, I pretty much suck.  Things I like to do are hanging out with my friends, spend time with family, chatting, gaming, relaxing, “computering”, listening to music, and maybe other stuffs that I can’t think of right now. But one of the things most of you probably don’t know about me is that I like to play with toys. Yes yes, I’m a kid, or maybe I just act like one, who knows. “No matter how old a man you are, you’re still a boy”, so I just enjoy doing things I like, so don’t be jealous if you are. This might sound silly but I don’t really have any dreams or job for the future, I just wanna be rich. They say money can’t buy everything, I say you can’t live without money. But of course, my family, friends, and things that are important to me will always be first.

My writing goal this year…don’t really have one. But I guess I’m trying to improve the overall quality of my essay writing skill. I will also try and use more “vocabulary words” and develop an even better way of delivering my ideas in my writing. My spelling??... Maybe but not most of the time. That’s probably it, I know it’s been really boring but atleast you’re at the end now! –if you been reading-. Wait actually, my real writing goal this year is to get a passing grade on all my writing assignments. KTB- "Kay Thanks Bye".

Friday, September 2, 2011

Worst Quiz...(FREE)

You guys ever had a quiz that you absolutely thought that you failed it??? Cause I just had mine today...in Pre-Cal. I guess the quiz really caught me by surprise since I wasn't ready for it and never even knew that there was a quiz today in the first place. Even though the teacher said there's a quiz every Friday on the syllabus, I really didn't remember it at all...The quiz was about the stuffs we learned in the past 4 days. But even though, the questions were like super hard and confusing, especially when the answers don't come out with a nice number. Another thing was that we didn't really have enough time to do it, almost the whole class stayed after the bell ring and some couldn't even finish, and just rushed and guessed through it. I was one of them.

This was probably the first quiz I ever taken that I actually had no clues for most of it. I left like 2 questions blank and also guessed on a couple. The bad thing is, the quiz only has 10 questions. So I'm hoping I will be able to get the rest of it right, so I can atleast get like a C for passing... I felt so bad afterward and kept thinking that I could've done much more better. From now on, I'm gonna focus a lot more and study so I won't do so bad anymore. Maybe it's because it's only the first week of school and I still can't refocus myself from all those summer time. Let's hope that I will never be in this situation again.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Math, Everyone's Favorite Subject...(FREE)

Really? Is math really your favorite subject? Cause it's definitely not mine for sure. (atleast for now...) Well I wonder if there's anyone really like math no matter how confusing, how complicated, how piss you off it looks. Sometimes I really like math because I think its really COOL, how all those numbers and formulas make everything work out the way they are, and especially when my homework is hella easy, I even like it more. But then when you think it's easy, the next day you learn something new and you were like WTF (what the frappuchino) is this! If you ever experience that, you would think the same way and I'm pretty sure you would hate it too.

Honestly, I used to be pretty good with math and definitely have gotten all As in my class! (so, so) But now I'm kinda feel like I'm falling behind, even if it's just the first week of school. Maybe what they called an HP class really deserves its name. All those circles, parabolas, ellipses, all that craps, just freaking annoying. The thing that pisses me off the most is that I have to spend like 3 hrs just to do like 10 problems. I guess I'll just have to focus and pay attention more in class and spend more time studying for it (too much "time"..but oh well) I hope you all have good time in Math and don't have to experience those crazy lessons that would make you hate it. You gotta like math man, its "fun", if you don't, just "think" that it's fun so you'll enjoy and last through your Junior year. Since that's really all you need to graduate. So, take it easy, hope its really gonna be "easy" for you...and me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The First Blog of My Life. (FREE)

Wow, I really cant believe I actually made a online blog for my English class. It's pretty interesting that we are actually using this for our homework and not for any other personal uses...(well who knows. >.>). What I'm writing right now is really the -whoever has internet access can see- thing, but I don't really mind. I'm also sure that all my friends feel this way as well, and so is my teacher.

But really, I don't even know what I'm writing right now and I'm still trying to figure out all the functions of this blog thingy. Thanks Mr.Sutherland for "introducing" this concept of doing homework to us, well at least for me, it is something I never did before...Seems like I'm not gonna have to write that much this year, in which I'm REALLY happy about. Anyway, I'm looking forward to my next posts. Signing off...

Wait... I just realized I haven't reach the requirement yet. LOL. Well...not that funny. -_- I guess I'll have to keep going. So yah, I just made my first blog EVER and also writing it the first time of my life. Darn it I'm running out of ideas...REALLY hard to think when you're watching TV and listening to music WHILE you're doing this, maybe I'm just so "beginner". Advising everyone not to do that if you it's your first time writing blog. Oh guess what? Right now, I just realize I reached my goal! So ANYWAY, I'm here signing off, and remember, if this bored you, I'm sorry can't help it, too bad, all that, it's my first time. TYBYE